Sunday, September 2, 2007

Newsletter coming soon!!

Hello everyone-
You will be happy to know (or maybe you wont) that I am working on the newsletter again so please feel free to submit your pictures, stories, jokes, etc to me.
It was alot of work to do it monthly so I will do it bi-monthly or quarterly.
In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to have a family blog. You can post pictures and comments right here for all to see!!


Annette said...

I think this is really cool! Hope we can get everyone to post on here. I still think we need an actual newsletter quarterly to send to the grandparents. Lots of snow outside so now would be the time to get using this.

The Little Mrs. said...

Hi Family!!

isnt this cool? lets get some pictures up and keep everyone posted on whats happening in the family.

by the do we post pictures on here?

Funny One Liners at