Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dierks Bentley Concert
Mom, Tammy, Trina and I went to the Dierks Bentley concert last Saturday. It was good but not quite as packed as I thought it would be. There were 2 whole sections with nobody in them!! I have never been to a concert that wasn't sold out before. Maybe there wasn't much advertisement or something. I hadn't even heard about it until Trina called and wanted us all to go. He was here with Bucky Covington and Lee Brice. Lee was good and quite a little hottie. (yes, I did pull up his website to get a closer look.) Bucky was a good singer but a major dork! He was really skinny and kept flipping his hair all over (not attractive at all on a man.) Dierks was excellent although he had this funny way of bouncing around instead of dancing.
We had a good time once we got in our correct seats! We were leaving it up to Trina to get us there and we went in the right door the first time but then decided to get some food and drinks before we sat down. The second time we went in the wrong door. We had the seats and the row correct though.... so close. Besides, how was Trina supposed to double check the tickets when she had them stuffed down between her boobs!! Ha Ha Trina... I knew you would want me to tell everyone that.
After the concert we went to Village Inn for some pie and coffee. It was a good night.
Posted by Jodie Lierd at 9:31 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Colton's Birthday
We met at Mom's house on Sunday to celebrate Colton's 14th birthday. Man he's getting old. He is already as tall as I am and wear's size 11 shoe!! Tammy orderd pizza and she brought these goofy things called B'Loonies. You put this goop stuff on the end of a little straw and blow bubbles with it. Colton got the hang of it first and had a whole row lined up on the table. Then it became a competition as to who could make the biggest one. Weston had everybody beat for a while until Mr. Competition, Garrett figured his out. I think they ended up and tied in the end. Trina took the award for 'prettiest'. Somehow she got hers blown into a heart shape. It looked really cool. Brenna and Hunter were too busy running around outside so I didn't get any pictures of them. Colton got an electric scooter, some shirts and MONEY!! (Every teenagers favorite).
Dennis also had a birthday this week on Tues. He doesn't like to talk about age. He just says he's "OLD". He is working out of town so he wasn't home to celebrate. The boys and I called him Tues morning to tell him Happy Birthday and he was sick in bed. He has had a sinus infection for the past week and hasn't felt good. He went to the doctor and got an antibiotic so hopefully it will clear up soon. Sick in bed is not a fun way to spend your birthday let alone any day!!
Posted by Jodie Lierd at 10:03 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hunter's Birthday
It was Hunter's Birthday on the 8th and we celebrated it last weekend at the Farm. She got some new clothes, some boots that she wanted and a really cool BB gun. She was happy to have her family there with her. For her birthday dinner she had requested steak, broccoli and fruit salad. Yummy!! Chevaun even made her some strawberry shortcake for dessert. The kids were all begging for seconds. On Sunday all the kids went outside for a "Gun Safety" lesson with Dirk. Chevaun, Mom and I were inside most of the weekend making the invitations for the wedding next month. They turned out so cute!! (Watch for yours in the mail). Macie was entertaining us with her stories as usual. She is such a talker.
Posted by Jodie Lierd at 5:45 PM 1 comments
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