Christmas is coming fast....can't believe another year has gone. It seems like just a few weeks ago we were in Torrey for Boyd's 90th birthday and it has been almost a year. I went to the farm this weekend...Hunter went with me. Chevaun, Hunter and I made some gifts in a jar to give to the neighbors and even made a couple for Trina....wondering why I have time to do this stuff!! I do not have my Christmas shopping done!!!! When we finished with our project we watched True Grit with Dirk....he waited not so patiently on us. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow with the radiation doctor---just a routine check up so hope all is still ok. I really don't need more to worry about....I seem to have my fair share of issues. Steve in Colorado moving a rig....has been shut down because of snow. Roads were a bit bad coming home today...took me awhile but by the time I got to Heber it was just raining. I am already tired of winter...longing for sun and heat!! Jodie and Brody were over Friday night...we were making blankets and using the Cricket to make some Christmas presents. Brody is quite the cutie and I enjoyed the evening. This past week was one of birthdays......Amanda's on the 13th, Colby's on the 15th and Tammy's on the 18th. December is a very busy month!!!!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
We all had a great time at Dirk's old fashioned Thanksgiving. He had the kids on scavenger hunts and treasure hunts. Very cold but the kids did not seem to mind. We played pool, had a great dinner and of course watched Christmas Vacation. The girls and I went to Vernal on Friday morning shopping and had breakfast. Saturday they all went up looking for a Christmas tree. I stayed home and made soup....good thing as they were plenty cold when they returned. We did get Peanut's hair cut, the girls had a cute project...we did not all get ours done but the ones that did were really cute. All too soon it was time to return to the grind. I am proud of my family...we have such fun and make awesome memories. What more could you ask for!!!!
Posted by Annette at 10:41 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My hard work
Ok family.... I have worked hard to get this all up and running again so I think now it will be your turn to post something.
Here is a picture of my little peanut. Hopefully we can get his hair cut next weekend at the farm! See you all then.
Posted by Jodie Lierd at 11:26 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
It is too bad that all of you have become Facebook users and do not keep up with just a family blog. I am not very impressed with all this keeping up with everyone else but not concerned about family updates and coommunications.
The idea behind this was great but there was not very much participation. I was excited and used to check it several times a week.
Trina is married (9-2-10), we have had our week-end in Torrey and will be in Green River this next week-end. Green River will not be easy as my parents have issues. We have tried hard to resolve them but have had no success. I don't want to get old and be like they are....just don't want to put that kind of stress on my family.
Hope you are all doing well----kids are liking school and life is good. I appreciate you all for who you are and what you do. I am proud of all of you and of all my beautiful grandchildren. You make like worth living.
Posted by Annette at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Where are all you people?!?!?!?!!? mom you havent even been on in awhile. Step up your game here sisters!
Posted by The Little Mrs. at 11:03 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Christmas 2009
Hello family! Yes I'm a bit slow on putting the Christmas pictures on here but I have been trying to wait on Mom and Trina to email me there's, ya right I have finally decided that if I wait on those two it will be summer before I can post them so I am gonna put on what I have and if given a miracle I ever get there pictures I will just have to add them later.
I hope everyone had a great holiday as always it is nice to have family to spend these days with. And thanks again Dennis for Christmas breakfast I'll be waiting til next year for your eggs benedict once again, gotta say they are good. Ok well that's all I have to say for now I just want to drop a quick note and post these pictures on here.
Posted by Sue at 12:21 AM 1 comments
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