It is already the end of June.......4th of July coming up fast. Time really does fly for me anymore and I can't ever find the time to do everything I want. The job has been getting in my way a lot the last few months.....can't seem to make anything work right there. Colton did graduate from high school.....thank goodness as I was doing lots of yelling about it.....was losing my voice. Kaylee is a year old now and she has found her voice. Constantly yelling at me about something.....don't ever know what but I am usually in trouble. Macie growing up fast and has been playing T-Ball. Hunter headed into high school, Brenna into 9th grade. Braxton almost 16, Weston, Garret and Brody getting big fast. I can hardly keep up. Everyone seems to be getting by which is all we can do.......guess we are lucky at that. Problems never seem to go away but we solve and move on......that is life. I feel old and tired tonight but am a very lucky old lady cause I have such a GREAT family. XOXO
Monday, June 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
April Showers 2012
Well here I am again trying to keep things updated.......glad I am so damn dependable! Trina got a new job....really likes it, Tammy still working overtime, Sue still in halfway house looking for a job, Dirk busy with oil industry stuff, Jodie still reading and chasing her boys, Amanda must be getting more sky miles.....haven't seen her for awhile. Steven got in an accident last week, someone rear-ended him.....he thinks that truck is a jinx. Some lady backed into my Corvette last week also......didn't do much damage but she of course does not have insurance or a job....that is my kinda luck. Trina took a bunch of pictures of Colton over Easter week-end so she can print him up a graduation announcement.....and by a bunch I definitely mean a BUNCH! Kaylee will be a year old already on the 19th and Colton will be 18 the very next day. Good God Almighty I sure am old! Had to pay income tax today......I am in one should have to pay that much to the @#$&* government! Until next time......LOVE you all!!!!
Posted by Annette at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hmm...Keeping Up With Black's
It is already usual time is flying by. I never seem to have time to visit all my wonderful children and grandchildren. I have been working lots of hours.....I am now the Director of Corporate Payroll....just a big title with lots more work really. Have been trying to spend more time with everyone and have not been a success yet. I will not give up though.....I think I can, I think I can, I think I can do all of this!!! Sue is in halfway house....looking for a job. Steven busy shooting his bow, Colton getting close to graduating and 18, Hunter headed into High School and getting a learners permit, Kaylee thinking about walking, Macie as always the princess, Brenna on an excelerated girls softball team, Braxton growing up and being cool, Weston still the ladies man, Garrett still trying to be the best, Raegan getting tall, Brody is a big boy now, Tammy working lots of overtime, Trina survived her first job interview, Amanda getting lots of sky miles, Dirk has hound dogs again, Jodie busy keeping up. Let's many kids do I have??? They are all great....even if I can't remember everything. I keep hoping I will soon get to retire but things just keep getting in my way. I don't know if that is good or bad....jury i still out on that! Happy March 2012.
Posted by Annette at 9:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 5, 2012
2012 Here We Go!!!
It has been awhile since I updated one else seems to be reading or posting either. Thanksgiving was at Jodie's house....very good food,good company and lots to be thankful for. Christmas was fun...exchanged white elephant gifts and it was quite funny. The kids played their Christmas Bingo game that Jodie made up 6 or 7 years ago.....they all still like to do it on Christmas Eve. She should patent it or something....might be a winner! Jodie doing well, still fighting fatigue and a few things but improving each day. Trina had a bit of a scare but it was pre-cancer and they got it all so that was good news. She is going to school and working full-time so very busy most days. Tammy and kids doing well....Colton is almost 18 now and Brenna turned 14 in December. I don't know how my grandchildren can possibly be that old! Dirk and Chevaun busy with girls...Kaylee is crawling now and she goes everywhere. I spent New Years at the farm...Jodie, Dennis and kids came out. We played pool...the boys like to get tournaments going, and watched Big Valley. It was a quiet, lazy, relaxing kind of week-end. I went to Green River yesterday with Jacque, Chevaun and Jodie for Dad's birthday. He was 86 yesterday. He was not doing too well....worry about them as neither one of them function very well. We made spaghetti for dinner and Dad really seemed to enjoy it. I am hoping for a better year in 2012 but with aging parents it is a bit of a worry. Boyd seems to be doing well but he will soon be 92. Where does the time go.... I am old and I swear not long ago I was YOUNG!!!
Posted by Annette at 8:34 PM 0 comments
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