On September 6th (just 2 days before my 33rd anniversary with CRE) I was called in and told I was being given a choice. I could stay 4 or 5 months and apply for "MY" job when they combined the I/C and Payroll departments or take a severance package and leave at the end of the month. I was shocked to say the least, I certainly was in no position financially to retire nor was I mentally or emotionally ready. On October 4th (just 2 days after my 67th birthday) I walked out the door of CRE and do not plan on ever returning there even to visit. I am sorry that after all those years I left so unhappy.
I am on my second week of "retirement" and I still have not come up with a plan for this 2nd half of my life as it is called. I seem to keep somewhat busy but not enough to keep my mind occupied and that is hard on me. When I do too much thinking I get depressed.
Steven will soon be 21 years old, hard to believe my grandchildren can be that old. They should all still be little and LOVE their grandma!!! Hunter and Braxton are juniors in high school, Garrett started junior high this year and Raegan will next year, no way in HELL can I be this old! Baby Ray is finally growing and even looking somewhat chubby!!
Mom and Dad having some issues but overall they are hanging in there. Mom calls everyday to check on me, don't know what she thinks I am doing but whatever. Boyd still doing fine, I talk with him everyday and make sure he is ok.
I sold my Corvette the other day, sad to see it go but really do not need 3 cars and I had to make a choice. The guy that bought it had been dickering with me on it for over 3 months......finally gave me what I wanted so that made it easier. Maybe I will win the lottery someday and buy me a brand new one!!! At least with winter coming on I won't have to worry about my third vehicle, my other two will fit in the garage.
I also had to sell my dog, Ike in September (not an easy month for me) as I could not keep him in yard at all. He is down outside of Monticello where he can run and chase cows. I got an update on him a week ago and he is doing good and bonding with the family. That was another very hard decision for me.
Changes are a part of life for all of us, some are good and some are not. Who can tell why things happen the way they do, I sure can't.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
2013 Retire, What's That?
Posted by Annette at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
May is almost done, so as always time is flying by far too quickly for me. Trina had a baby boy on May 23, 2013. He was born about 4:15 A.M. in the morning, weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. It was a way long labor, she is tougher than me I would have been crazy waiting for 19 hours!!!! His name is Raiden Craig Lambourne and he is a handsome little guy. I do think he is just like Trina predicted, has Colby's pig nose and her chinese eyes!!! Went to Green River and Torrey over Memorial Day weekend, decorated graves, cleaned houses and am now in need of rest. It is not very relaxing that is for sure. I bought a Camaro, a 2011 bright yellow convertible. I want to sell the Corvette but I am not getting much interest so right now I have too many cars. The convertible is fun but only if you are in the front seat I guess, people do not like riding in the back when the top is down. Everyone seems to be doing good, some of my children I don't hear from very often though. Hunter now has her learner's permit so roads could be dangerous. Braxton being a cool ladies man, as is Weston. Brody and Garret have other interests. Colton still working toward being an electrician, and Brenna is cool! I think she also has learner's permit so again I warn you ROADS around here are a bit dangerous!! Macie did well in her dance competitions and Kaylee just turns things upside down. Mom and Dad doing ok but going downhill more and more. Boyd struggles to do much but he sure keeps trying. Job is crazy so I am very busy, feel like I meet myself coming around the corner all the time. Could be I am slowing down though (young I am not!)
Posted by Annette at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 1, 2013
My how the time flies anymore. It is April 1st already and we have seen a few warm days. The week-end was super nice. First time Easter has been warm with no wind, rain or snow in awhile. We didn't do much ourselves, just cooked a meal and had Tammy, Mark and kids, Sue, Steven, Michelle, Trina and Colby over to eat. No big Easter egg treasure hunts as we had no little ones. I worked in the yard and tried to accomplish a few things....certainly not as much as I would have liked. I am getting old and tire out fast......God I hate to admit that! Colton seems to like his job as an electrician apprentice, Steven and Michelle think they want to buy a camp trailer, Tammy broke a bone in her foot and Trina and Colby waiting on the little guy to arrive......it is getting closer for sure. Dirk and Chevaun have many baby lambs,,,,,they have 5 mama ewes and 11 babies, Macie will have to feed one by bottle as it's Mom didn't seem to want it. There are lots of birthdays in the month of April....Tanner is 10 today, Hunter is 16 on the 8th, Kaylee is 2 on the 19th, Colton is 19 on the 20th and Dennis has a birthday the 22nd and Michelle also has a birthday in there somewhere, can't remember the date for sure. I will be broke buying birthday presents!!! We had a bomb threat at England today....crazy stuff.....people are nuts! All these goings on tend to keep an old lady quite busy!!!!!
Posted by Annette at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2013
WINTER 2012/2013-----YUCK!!!
Well it is almost the end of February and still this cold weather, snow and ice hangs on. I have been done with this for a month ALREADY!!!! I worked long hours in January.....job is crazy and getting worse or I am getting old don't know which. Work, come home, take hot bath to warm up, crawl in bed and read a book.......that is my exciting life. Trina getting closer to new baby and between not feeling good and being disagreeable she is not doing too bad. Colton now working on being an electrician (go Colton). Steven still at his same job but now he thinks he wants to be a fireman. Brenna driving around on a learners permit (she can't be that old), Braxton singing and playing guitar ( does a good job), Weston and Garrett playing basketball (Pretty good too as I went to watch them play a couple weeks ago), Macie is in dance and doing good at her performances, Kaylee just likes to entertain, Brody is looking good (just ask him), Hunter and Raegan doing good.....growing up so fast it makes me dizzy. I hate to admit this but anymore it doesn't take much to make me dizzy!!!!
I had to have a colonoscopy because I have had some stomach issues......did not really think that was fun at all. Thank goodness they found nothing so I am good for 10 years!! I seem to have trouble with my stomach constantly so it has been easy to not eat much......good thing is I have lost about 20 pounds through all of this. I absolutely did not lift weights, run or such to accomplish this. Now they want to check a few other things and I am waiting a bit, thinking maybe it was one of my meds or something.
Everyone seems to doing good, working and staying busy with all that comes their way. The holidays were good, enjoyed having my whole family around. I really am getting old as I even enjoy spending time with my own CHILDREN!!!
Posted by Annette at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2013
We're Still Here Mom, Just Busy!
It's been awhile since I've posted anything on here, but I have a habit of checking it at least once a week to see if anyone else has. Seven months and nobody has even said hello I'm alive? What is going on with everyone? Jodie where are you I mean geez don't you know as the author of this site we rely on you to post on here? I know I should shut up and point back at myself for not posting for so long and I am that is why I'm here now. I figured I needed to let you all know that the oldest, not always wisest is still alive and kicking. As for my life these days well it's actually going pretty good, I know shocker for me huh? I have a great job and get this I really love working there and look forward to going to work everyday now how crazy is that. I have been down and out sick for the last week which has sucked, talk about a great way to bring in the New Year, I personally spent it lying in bed dying of fever, it was not fun at all. Victor did his best to take care of me and kept trying to cart me off to the hospital, he isn't used to seeing me like that so was at a loss for what to do or how to help me. Plus as some of you may already know I am far from a good patient, ok I'm a real pain in the ass to tell the truth I am not good at being sick or having to rely on someone else to do things for me so I'm surprised he is still speaking to me since I was such an adorable patient. Hell I wouldn't want to take care of me I'm just mean and cranky when I'm in the helpless state. LOL I'm on the mend now but that fever was the worst it took me 6 days to break the damn thing, I was starting to wonder if I should listen to Vic and go to the hospital cuz it just wouldn't go away. Ok so enough about that, sorry I don't have anything exciting to report but my life is pretty boring these days I just work and go home, and in any spare time I can find I am looking for an apartment. Work has been keeping me pretty busy but I like it, I'm good at this job plus I get to do one of my favorite things, "Boss around a bunch of men while trying to convince them that organization is the key" Ya they don't always listen but hey that just gives me an excuse to get on their case again. Ha ha. This LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) is the up and coming thing and it's pretty cool that I am in on the grounc floor of this company. They are growing so fast it's hard to keep up, but hopefully that's a good thing. I make decent money, love what I do and get to work with a great bunch of people, I guess you can't get much better than that right. I'm sure everyone knows that my little boy is not so little these days and has managed to turn into his uncle Dirk, talk about spitting image, I swear he reminds me more and more of Dirk everyday. This constant hunting thing is like de ja vu of little brother back in the day. It's crazy how fast all the kids are growing up it don't seem possible that my little boy is 20yrs old, or Colton almost 19, weren't they just like 10 and 12? Time flies I guess huh. Steven's girlfriend Michelle is a sweetheart, I'm not sure how or why she puts up with him at times but I like her, I'll just have to get her to tell him off once in awhile, he's spoiled enough. Now this grand dog thing Nova? Well I'm unsure about him but as long as Steven's happy I think I can learn to to live with him too.....LOL Well I'm gonna go for now but I'll try to post more often and the rest of you better kick it in the ass and start doing the same. I love you all, lets have a fabulous 2013....... Love Sue P.S. Check out this handsome young man.....I was blessed with a wonderful son.....I am very proud of him, I couldn't have asked for better, he's the best. Love you Steven
Posted by Sue at 6:51 AM 3 comments
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