I am doing pretty good just have some bad days. I have times when I am so exhausted I can hardly move. I am having some discomfort but nothing I can't handle yet. It is hard to sleep at times because I can't get comfortable but I am managing to survive this ordeal. I saw the doctor today and he seems to think I am doing fine but he also told me that the fatigue and discomfort will get worse. That was nice of him----don't you think? I have made it through 12 treatments with 18 more to go. ...so I will just keep working toward the magic number of 30.
Trina turned 20 this week and she is depressed. She now thinks she is old!!!!! It is that horror of leaving those teenage years behind----not always easy. I took her out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory on Tuesday and today we went to Park City in the Vet and did some shopping and had lunch. The one thing the two of us can do well is shop, but we have practiced at it quite a bit!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
12 Down 18 To Go
Posted by Annette at 11:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hello Out There
I very seldom hear from any of you so decided to just give updates here. I really struggle with all of this and with the feeling that no one cares about much anymore. I have to admit to being in tears many times over the past couple of months.
As far as the radiation treatments I am doing ok. It is hard to face that every day----I'm sure none of you realize that-----but so far I seem to be doing fairly good. I have had 7 treatments so have 23 more to go. I have some discomfort but not unbearable. I do feel pretty tired at times---seems to come on suddenly but I am trying very hard to keep up on everything just like I have always done. Some days I don't function well but on others I feel pretty normal. I'm trying to eat 3 meals a day as that is one thing they really push. Radiation takes so much out of your body that you need to eat properly---proteins, carbs, veggies, fruits and grains. I guess because it also kills all your good cells and they have to rejuvenate quickly. Apparently pretzels and diet coke is not a good balanced diet---imagine my surprise!!! I am learning more about all this and as time goes on I actually may be quite an authority.
Steven is going to California the last week of July because they are the State Champs in their division in baseball. Colton's team didn't make it but he did hit a home run in the game yesterday. That is good stuff!
Nick was home, but chasing girls so didn't see much of him. He is back in North Carolina and thinks he will get another tour of duty in Iraq or Afganistan in the next few months. While he was home, Randy and all his family got together in Green River. That was the first time in years that all four of those kids were together. I guess Randy really enjoyed it as he had his whole family there and they all had a good time. Randy calls me every few days to check up on my progress so I am up on their news.
The hay is growing and so is the corn. All the cows have calved and we got rid of the angry bull and got a nicer one. All is well in Bridgeland---at least for now. I'm sure there will be a problem by tomorrow though!!!
Posted by Annette at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Update From Mom
Just thought I would let everyone know what is happening. I start radiation next Tuesday and I do have to have 30 treatments-----5 days a week for 6 weeks. It will not eliminate my chances of doing this again but will reduce the risk factor. It would have been much nicer to get through the surgery and be done but it doesn't work that way with this cancer stuff. The way I have it figured I will finish up radiation on August 19th-----pretty much wipes out my summer.
I still would like to see the rest of you post here....Sue where are you----let's hear your news. Some of your siblings haven't seen you in quite awhile so maybe you should post a picture!!!
Dirk, Tammy, Trina and Amanda----what is new with you-----let us know because we are interested and it is really not that hard to post here. No more excuses!!!
Have a super 4th of July and know that I love each and everyone of you very much.
Posted by Annette at 11:14 PM 0 comments
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