Thursday, June 4, 2009

The little sister is going to be 21...YAY!!!

The soon-to-be birthday girl!!

Ok kids, the time has come for a celebration of greatness to celebrate the 21st year of my birth! haha no seriously guys where are we going to go for my birthday? Amanda will be in Vegas that weekend and a couple of my friends want to go to Vegas. I am thinking that i just might try and plan a separate trip with my friends cause it is already too hard to get everyone together on the same day. I want to go somewhere fun with my sisters (Chevaun included of course) so give me some ideas. Remember: Inexpensive is the way to go.... poor college student here with a new car. ok let me know what ya'll think because it needs to be a good time!


Trina Marie


Annette said...

Well you better get this figured out. I told Tammy to take the time off on the week-end after your birthday but if you are going to Vegas with your friends then she may have to change. Vegas is way expensive even for people paying for food, housing etc.

Jodie Lierd said...

I told you that Vegas will not be cheap! I gave you my idea of the Horse races in Evanston but you snubbed me. Oh and I believe you said something to the effect of that I would be fat and pregnant and not any fun!! I think you could get everyone to go to Evanston. Its cheap, you can drink all day, there's a bar at the motel and it's not too far away!

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