Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Posted by Unknown at 5:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
"Yes I'm Still Alive"
Hey all, yes I'm still alive, just working too much I suppose. My job has been keeping me extremely busy. I moved to a house in West Valley that needed alot of work, go figure leave it to me to pick a place I need to redo, but its getting there and so far I'm liking it here.
Things are rapidly changing at work, hopefully the trucking industry will catch on to this LNG being the way to go trend we are trying to get going. In the mean time I just tell my boss and the CEO that I see changing the trucking industry like trying to teach and old dog new tricks it just isn't going to happen overnight. All these truckers are set in their ways and afraid of change and probably thinking why the hell would they want to change something that has worked for so many years.
We are getting things together to have a big customer appreciation event at work with race cars and such it should be a pretty big thing hell it could even make the news right along with our kit and tank designs that will be announced soon. Its been really cool to be a part of starting something new, my job is never boring and always a challenge and even better is I actually like my job and the people I work with so its pretty cool.
As for life outside of work well I should say what life cuz I don't have much time for one. Its been almost 2 years and so far I'm still single, I guess that's what happens when work keeps you too busy to have a life. Oh I'm sure you'll all have your jokes of shock or putting it in a record book of some kind right.,...,.,ha ha ha yes I can hear you all now. Such comedians you are... Well don't fret cuz I have been dating here and there so it may not last forever.....
I'm sure you all know Steven and Michelle bought a house and even got another dog. Great now they inform me I have 2 grand dogs.....Good Lord.
Steven recently got a promotion at work so now he has time for golf and goofing off, how the hell does that work? Maybe I should apply at his work if I ever want a damn vacation.
Ok so as boring as it is that is the news on my life, nothing too exciting but I'm happy.
Posted by Unknown at 11:49 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Memorial Day 2014
Went to Torrey on Saturday. Some of kids went, Jodie, Dennis and family, Dirk, Chevaun and family, Trina, Colby and Raiden, Colton and Nicole and Steven and Muchelle. I kept the casket spray we got for Boyd so we could put it on his grave on Memorial Day. It was nice to have some of family there with us.....graves looked nice with big American flags flying over every Veterans grave. I miss Boyd with his sense of humor, many stories and the way he teased me. Hard weekend for sure, was sad. The grandchildren were out pounding nails into their treehouse the entire weekend, must be quite the project as this has gone on for years now. Dennis did the cooking with Dirk's help so we sure didn't starve. Caleb and Sarah came over also and stayed the weekend. Lots of horseshoes, I did one game and even got a point or two! Bryan or "soap and water" as Boyd called him even joined us for dinner both nights and horseshoes.....said he wasn't social but wouldn't miss another of our get togethers! Still no decision on Torrey house, guess we would like to keep it for awhile but problems continue to pop up there. I hate decisions, guess I am not, nor ever will be "older and wiser.!
Posted by Annette at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Have been trying to keep busy doing little improvement projects at house in SLC and the one in Bridgeland. The days are sometimes hard to get through.....if I am not busy I tend to dwell on too any unpleasant thoughts. I am still considering getting a part-time job or volunteering somewhere for a couple days a week. I go to Planet Fitness 3 or 4 times a week and work out for about an hour, I must say that does boost my mood and energy level most times. Seriously need some WARM sunshine!
The kids are all busy with their own lives so don't see them often. Steven and Michelle bought a house so he has moved out. Colton does come by once a week when he has school or don't know when I would see him. My grandchildren are all growing up fast. Hard to believe that Colton will be 20, Hunter 17 and Kaylee 3 in April. That really makes me feel old and at my age you can't help but wonder how many more good years are left. I sure wish growing old was easier!!
Spring is coming soon and that means FARMING......that is what will be on the agenda with Steve for sure. We still haven't decided what to do with the house in Torrey but I go down every few weeks and do a bit more cleaning. I am always checking voicemail for Boyd's call, got so used to hearing from him every night I keep thinking he will call.
Went to Green River a couple weeks ago and spent the night with Mom and Dad. They seem to be doing ok or at least getting by. Like Mom says "every day she can get out of bed is a good day."
Going to take a writing class on Thursday nights starting this week....thought I should write my memoirs.....or maybe not....don't know that my family needs to know the many mistakes I have made in life.
I find myself liking songs for their lyrics now instead of music and beat....what the heck does that mean? I like Katy Perry's ROAR....good stuff. Dierks Bently has a new one called RISER.....like that also. (I'm a get off the ground, old running hider, push comes to shove and I'm a fighter. Darkness comes to town, I'm a lighter but get out aliver, out of the fire, Survivor)
As you can see not much new happening in my world....I try to check on my kids every so often and keep myself occupied as much as possible. Bring on the SUNSHINE!
Posted by Annette at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
I'm Back!!!
Yes, it's me...your favorite daughter, sister and mother back after a 2 1/2 year hiatus!! Whew, that went by fast. Don't even know how to sum up that much time in a paragraph. To be honest, I kind of forgot about the whole blog thing until I started cleaning off my desk and found some entries that I had printed off. (That tells you how often I clean off my desk!!) It actually works out well because I never have to file any of my paperwork. I just throw it in a big pile and about every 2 years I go through it and shred everything except for the really important stuff and the last year of payments. It sure makes it hell if I have to find something though :) I dont know what I do with my time. It seems like I keep busy during the day with work, errands, kids and chores but in the evenings I never want to do anything but lay on my bed and read my book. I feel cheated if I ever get through a whole day and have not had time to read. I have started to write a little but only if I am in the mood which doesnt seem very often. I have always told myself that I should write a book but I cant seem to come up with a good thing to write about. You'd think I would have lots of ideas but my mind is always blank. I think thats why I like to read so much.... I can zone out and not have to think! The kids are all growing and doing well (mostly). I have to stay on Braxton and Weston to keep caught up in school but other than that we have no issues. Right now they are all playing basketball again and Garrett is even going to a basketball skills training class a couple times a week. Braxton and Weston are still playing guitar and poopy pants as we call him (Brody), is turning into a very sassy 4 year old. I used to scream and yell at him but he, just like the other boys, has stopped listening so my new plan is just to ignore them. I imagine that will go over just as well as yelling and probably get the same result without raising my blood pressure. Thanks Mom and Sue for still posting once in a while. I will try to do better.
Posted by Jodie Lierd at 9:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
2013 Ends With Sorrow
On December 24th Boyd passed away here in Salt Lake. He had been up here in the Veterans Hospital for a week. He had cancer in his liver and intestines....no hope of changing its course. He got to see most of his grandkids and his great grandchildren the week-end before as they gave us an outlook of days and we called everyone to come and see him. He kept his dignity, pride and humor right up to the end so he was blessed that way. Didn't have to suffer. It is the end of an era, a Patriarch of the family has left us. Steve has literally lost all of his family and that is hard to work through for anyone. The funeral turned out great I think, just grandkids telling memories of times spend with Grandpa. Instead of a viewing the night before we had a reception of sorts for the family up at one of Boyd's friend's house with food and drinks and just visiting. I think Boyd would have liked his send-off very much.
Needless to say Christmas spirit wasn't what it should have been this year but we tried....things like that kinda ruin the holiday. My grandchildren continue to grow, get bigger and older and that is making me way too old.....scary! Mom and Dad now 88 and they seem to be sliding downhill more all the time. It is a worry and losing Boyd put them in a depression for sure. Lots of snow on the ground here and more headed tomorrow. Snow on ground at farm is the same as has been there for over a month, never has warmed up enough to melt any of it. That basin is a cold place in the winter, I am getting to like the cold less and less. I like to be WARM! I seem to have kept myself busy the last few months of 2013 making things for Christmas and then the illness of Boyd. In 2014 I seem to be struggling to get my balance again. I need to get some interests and get moving forward. Hoping 2014 will be a good year with some positive coming our way.....maybe even some answers as to what I should do when I grow up!
Posted by Annette at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
2013 Retire, What's That?
On September 6th (just 2 days before my 33rd anniversary with CRE) I was called in and told I was being given a choice. I could stay 4 or 5 months and apply for "MY" job when they combined the I/C and Payroll departments or take a severance package and leave at the end of the month. I was shocked to say the least, I certainly was in no position financially to retire nor was I mentally or emotionally ready. On October 4th (just 2 days after my 67th birthday) I walked out the door of CRE and do not plan on ever returning there even to visit. I am sorry that after all those years I left so unhappy.
I am on my second week of "retirement" and I still have not come up with a plan for this 2nd half of my life as it is called. I seem to keep somewhat busy but not enough to keep my mind occupied and that is hard on me. When I do too much thinking I get depressed.
Steven will soon be 21 years old, hard to believe my grandchildren can be that old. They should all still be little and LOVE their grandma!!! Hunter and Braxton are juniors in high school, Garrett started junior high this year and Raegan will next year, no way in HELL can I be this old! Baby Ray is finally growing and even looking somewhat chubby!!
Mom and Dad having some issues but overall they are hanging in there. Mom calls everyday to check on me, don't know what she thinks I am doing but whatever. Boyd still doing fine, I talk with him everyday and make sure he is ok.
I sold my Corvette the other day, sad to see it go but really do not need 3 cars and I had to make a choice. The guy that bought it had been dickering with me on it for over 3 months......finally gave me what I wanted so that made it easier. Maybe I will win the lottery someday and buy me a brand new one!!! At least with winter coming on I won't have to worry about my third vehicle, my other two will fit in the garage.
I also had to sell my dog, Ike in September (not an easy month for me) as I could not keep him in yard at all. He is down outside of Monticello where he can run and chase cows. I got an update on him a week ago and he is doing good and bonding with the family. That was another very hard decision for me.
Changes are a part of life for all of us, some are good and some are not. Who can tell why things happen the way they do, I sure can't.
Posted by Annette at 10:05 PM 0 comments
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