I have had a very stressful and busy couple of months. In April I had a biopsy and it came back positive for cancer. That was not what this old lady wanted to hear. I had a rough couple of days trying to get adjusted to this fact. I had surgery on May 13th and 4 days later got the news that they didn't get it all so went back for more surgery on May 30th. This report came back clean---thank god----I wanted to be in the 90% at least once in this whole mess and it finally happened. I am now waiting to heal up s0 in about 30 days I can start radiation. They are saying I will have to go everyday for 6 weeks. We had a trip planned the beginning of June over into Colorado and we went for just two days as I wasn't up to going for the whole time. I did good the first day but got sick the last day which meant Steve had to drive all the way home. I wanted to drive the Corvette more but wasn't up to it so Steve got to practice cruisin!!! We went to Pagosa Springs and then back to Durango and over the mountain into Silverton and Ouray. It is beautiful country but man the mountains you go over are high.......over 12,000 feet. I really wish all you BLACK family members would send your stuff in to post here. This is a good way for everyone to find out what you have all been doing and see how much the kids grow every day. I am not as creative as Jodie---it takes me all damn night to post one picture!!!!! Old ladies like me can't figure out this technical stuff...
Hi Annette! Hope you don't mind that I have been stalking your family blog! I have been dying for some Trina gossip but the little stinker never updates hers! I just read your last post and I am so sorry to hear that news. You are a tuff little cookie so there is no doubt in my mind that you will get through this. Take care and keep on posting!
You did good Mom. I'm glad you got some pictures of your trip posted. I will have to come see the rest!! I forgot to look at them when I was there last night. You just stay on the couch and make Trina wait on you. It's good for her!!
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