Monday, March 16, 2009

Steven's Car

Hello all I just thought I'd put Steven and his new car on here so you can all see for yourself he is nuts and of course spoiled. Other than that all is well except for the fact making sure he had a vehicle has broke me but hey I guess kids are put here to break us right. Anyway check out my child an his silly poses with his new car. I'll post some more on here again soon.
Love Suzy


Annette said...
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Annette said...
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Annette said...

Thank God---this guy you hang around with appears to be somewhat normal. He does think he is way too cool though!!! I had to go unlock his car for him this morning so he does seem to be a bit of an air-head!!!

Sue said...

Are you actually telling me this wanna be gangster looks normal to you....Mother is it time to have your eyes checked again. LOL

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