Friday, September 26, 2008

Frogs Anyone?

So I have a very funny frog story to tell but I already typed in out on my blog and it was quite long. You will all have to check it out.
They are for sale now. Unfortunately the kids will probably have to come too.
2 kids, 4 frogs for $20.
I will even throw in another kid for no additional charge.
What a steal!


Sue said...

Jodie,now boys will be boys you just have to deal with that and you can't be selling off my boys. Look on the bright side they could be like Steven did to me and bring a snake home they think they need to keep.. HELL NO! I'd take the frogs anyday.

Jodie Lierd said...

If I had a snake in my house, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night!!

Annette said...

Oh come on now----you wouldn't really sell those boys!!! What would you have to talk about?????

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