Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The year 2008 hasn't been a good one at all. We lost Packer a couple months ago and that was hard. She has been a part of the farm from the very beginning. This last week-end we lost Call. He left for some reason early last Thursday morning even though Steve was there. We looked all over for him and Steve finally found him on Monday. He had been hit by a car on Highway 40. I don't know why we didn't see him before as we looked all week-end. He is now buried on the hill right by Packer. He liked to ride in the Rhino with me, and followed me everywhere so I will be lost without him. They were such a welcoming party when you got to the farm that it just isn't the same. BLACKS RANCH will very much miss PACKER and CALL.


Sue said...

Sorry to hear about Call, maybe Daddy needs a new dog for Christmas this year. An yea it does seem like me and you are the only ones that ever post anything on here anymore. What's wrong with everyone?

Jodie Lierd said...

That is so sad.... I wanted to cry when you told me. He was such a cute dog.

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