I have gotten behind on posting pictures but I figured that I better start with the oldest ones first....
Vegas was really fun this year. Our party animal Mom really hooped it up and had alot of fun. We all did. Den and I got to Vegas first and then met Mom, Dad, Trina and Amanda at Outback for dinner on Saturday.
After dinner we went back to Harrah's to hang out at the Toby Keith Bar. Everyone had such a good time. Not too long after we had gotten there, Mom already had her own little bunch of groupies. All these young boys were wanting to talk and dance with her. One of them even smacked her butt!!! She's out of control, I know. She even had her own security guard to watch her stuff. Before long he was holding her vest, guarding our drinks and sneaking her out the back door so she could get some air. We danced so much that we could hardly breath. It was sooo hot in there.
We met a really nice couple from California that we hung out with most of the night. They even ended up giving Mom, Dad and the girls a ride back to their hotel.
Mom must have had a little too much fun because I'm sure you all heard about her little accident later that night. Even though she was inebriated, she might have faired a little better if she wasn't so accident prone. We love you Mom, but we should seriously consider wrapping you in bubble wrap like I suggested earlier. It was still a great time and I was glad to see her having fun.
We went to Margaritaville for lunch on Sunday. Mom couldn't make it though. She wanted to rest up for the rodeo. Trina and Amanda took her back some lunch so at least she got to enjoy the food.
That night we took a limo to the rodeo which is definitely the way to travel in that town. The driver was really nice and even told us that he would be back for us after the rodeo. It was kind of eerie though because it didn't seem like there were very many people there. Usually it is really crowded outside and everyone stands around and visits before the rodeo. I couldn't figure it out because it looked like all the seats were full. The rodeo was good as usual and there were a bunch of competitors from Utah. We even took 1st that night in a couple areas. Brooks & Dunn sang the opening song and Lee Greenwood was even there to sing the National Anthem.
After the rodeo we went back to Harrahs and had dinner at a nice restaurant called The Range and tried to hang out at the piano bar for a few minutes but everyone was so tired that we called it a night. At least me, Den, Mom and Dad were tired. (The old people) I think the young ones could have stayed out longer.
Me and Den took off for home the next morning so we could get there before the kids got out of school. Mom, Dad and the girls stayed another day so that they could go to the Cowboy Christmas Festival that they visit every year. Judging from their pictures though, it looks like they got their second wind and did a little more partying!! It was a good trip!